Tuesday 29 November 2011

Most Annoying Character on TV Right Now

And the winner is...

Emma Swan
Pure emotion.

Swan is the main character of the new show Once Upon A Time, and she is one of the few protagonists that make me root for the bad guy. Frankly, the show is nothing special but it gets just that bit worse whenever this gem of an actress enters the picture. She seems to have only one feeling, bitterness. And the scowling look that's on her face the whole time is given another dimension when you hear her growling sardonic voice. I hated her on House and I hate her still. I hope they can find a way to kill her off and replace her with someone more likeable, or just make the other chick the main character.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Today's LOVE Interest

I remember seeing this guy in Kick-Ass and thinking "man, he's pretty fine", but the thought died when Aaron Johnson kept re-entering the picture. But just recently when I started watching American Horror Story (and by this I mean I've watched the first episode and I'm too scared to watch anymore 'cos imma wimp...) and he's incredibly good looking. I think he was the only thing that got me through watching the first episode but now I'm going to dig deep and watch another one 'cos I miss his face.  

Btw, that's not Aaron Johnson..

Thursday 24 November 2011


Right now, I'm trying to do an essay on Kierkegaard and Feminism... How many words have I written?


It's due noon tomorrow and I've left it till now because I'm an absolute ledge.

This is a direct representation of Soren Kierkegaard and it is by all means meant to insult, my only regret is that I am not it's author.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Walking On Air

Even though I've always found wearing Converse extremely uncomfortable (I have unusually high arches) I can still appreciate their awesomeness. Now, it would be really cool if I could get a pair with Nathan Fillion's ass on the side of them.

Oh, yes.

Saturday 19 November 2011