Thursday 17 February 2011

Dream Home : The Pool

I spend a lot of my time imagining my dream home. It has been developing in my mind for several years now and it really is nothing short of spectacular. When I imagine my home, I don't generally limit myself to today's architecture and science, so, for the most part, my dream home will probably never manifest itself in reality...
Today I found a swimming pool that would fit perfectly with my Gothic architecture:

This is the pool from the Gellert Spa in Budapest. I really love the natural light coming from the ceiling and the balconies. I would change the colour scheme though, and change the shapes a bit (especially the balconies). And the textures aren't what I like. I'd probably mosaic most of the walls with blues and greens. And I like Roman designs but they're too obvious to use with a pool. Bright and bold is what I'd go for.

The pool would be no exception to the scheme of the whole house, which is opulence, decadence and simply sinful over-abundance.
When it comes to design I don't mind if things make sense, I just like things to look beautiful. On the walls either side of the pool, I would have wonderfully intricate mosaics depicting various forms of wildlife. Colour is very important, since the room has no actual objects in it aside from the pool I think it's necessary that you're drawn to various aspects of the space. There would be fish and squid swimming in the skies with the sun and the stars overlooking peacocks, tigers, snakes and other interesting animals. It wouldn't be constricted to any particular style of mosaic, as you can see below:

The style in this mosaic clearly differs from the fish (above). The overall mural would not be constrained to one particular style and will flourish and thrive off of each kind of design. There would be a vast mixture of colours, shapes and sizes, varying from great dragons to small delicate butterflies.
Like with this peacock, the animals and designs may not be simply pictures on flat surfaces, so may come away from the walls creating depth and more interest.

Apart from sheer style, the pool would be brilliantly engineered. At the touch of the button, the floor of the pool would rise to the surface allowing the pool room to be used as a kind of ballroom (although this is completely unnecessary considering there would already be an awe inspiring ballroom, but if you can- you should).
Along with this fabulously unnecessary gizmo, the pool would be filled with hi-tech gadgets that may very well in production today! (Who can keep up with my imagination, really?)
I scoured the internet for a full two minutes but I couldn't find any examples to show you so I'll just have to paint you a picture.
There will be underwater speakers, so you can listen to your favourite music while you're doing laps (very short laps in my case). Now I know there are waterproof speakers but do they actually sound the same underwater? I heard Bill Gates had underwater speakers in his pool, they were at a different frequency so you could only hear them underwater. If it's good enough for Bill, it'll do for me.
Along with the sound there simply must be picture, don't you think? Instead of having a matching mosaic floor there would be a TV screen. Yes, yes, I know it's a bit ridiculous, but it would be AWESOME. It would look thee shizz for parties. It wouldn't be focused on actual tv shows or the news (obviously. Although when I think about it, it would be pretty sweet just having the news updates in my pool...), instead it would be used for more vibrant music videos, cartoons and films (eg. SCOTT PILGRIM, oh yeah). I don't mind mismatching things, so I would probably be listening to something different outside the pool to whatever going on inside. Of course, there would probably be some noise coming from the pool, like a buzz or a humming from whatever is playing underneath the water, but because my home isn't limited by the laws of physics this wouldn't be an issue.
And besides, by the time anyone has enough money to actually build this house, the things that are impossible now will surely be very possible.

Monday 14 February 2011


There's never anything special about a specific time of year. Christmas, Halloween, Valentines. My kid sisters wake up at the crack of dawn on Christmas day but you couldn't get me up even if you waved a fifty over my face. I slept right through last Halloween and Valentines is just another day at college. Well, that would have been the case if I'd actually gone to college today.

Pretending is a bad thing. You shouldn't do it. You should be doing what your pretending to be doing. You know you should be doing what you're pretending to be doing otherwise why would you be bothered keeping up appearances at all?

"The naming of Panentheism leads to the world's redemption"... WTF?
College is becoming an empty, very confusing void. One that I got myself into knowingly but at the same time I was hopeful. I started this course thinking it would spark an interest in me, which it did. But the interest I have in it is slowly being replaced with unanswerable questions. Such as: Where will this take me? What am I going to be qualified for? Will I do another course after? What THEE FUCK am I doing?
I am thinking I might go into journalism after, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that I have no writing skills. Teaching? Fuck no. I've gandered down that road too many times. You need to like people to teach them. You need to be a good communicator. I had a presentation to give to the class last semester and it sucked the life out of me. What should have been a twelve minute presentation was shortened to less than five. It was appalling. If everyone was as immature as me I would have been booed off stage.
Perhaps on a positive note, I'm only a senior freshman. I still have two more years after this to figure out what I should do. Maybe something might come to me on the Berlin trip that's coming up. We'll be drinking the German's under the table; I come up with fabulous ideas when I'm drunk.
That's a lie.

Sunday 13 February 2011


I got off the Luas today after seeing Never Let Me Go (which is a very lovely film. Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield were brilliant in it, and so was Keira Knightley, as usual, but I hate her, so...) in Dundrum and there was a bin ON FIRE. It was quite exciting but I couldn't hang around to watch it go through the motions of smoking, first sparks, full on flames and then death because there were people around and I didn't want to look like a pyromaniac...
Got to keep up appearances, y'know?

Saturday 12 February 2011


I posted this on my facebook a few days prior to setting this blog up. I'm posting it here now for two reasons, one: to make it look like I'm actively blogging, and two: because it's AWESOMENESS should be shared with all of humanity.

Now, although my blog has only got three views (which I'm sure are just me), I have to maintain believing that this can be a success and that I will create an adoring fan club who respond to all of my posts with an "eager-beaver" kind of way about them.
But, alas. One can only dream...

Friday 11 February 2011

No need to be scared.

Yesterday, for approximately twenty minutes I thought a lady was going to EAT MY FACE AND USE MY BLOODY HEAD AS A STAMP. A few of us crowded around an office discussing our troubles. As the queue of students became longer we all started to lose our nerve. "What's she going to do with us?" many wondered. I did not know, I was preoccupying myself with the shape and colour of the clouds outside of the window. There was a fabulous purplish shadow on the underside of the thin, sweeping whisps. Even though I had already had my fill of desserts for the day (complements of my mum), the clouds seemed to spark an interest in my belly.
My thought was interrupted with the sound of a short, high-pitched gasp of the now collectively terrified crowd of students. The lady we feared popped her head out of the door and asked "Who's next?" and an unwilling member of our congregation stood up slowly and was snatched. The girl who came with me, my partner in crime, saw this and tried to make a break for it. "I can't do it! It's too much!" I pulled her back and calmed her down. "We've got to do this," I said, "If we don't, WE'RE DEAD."
One by one, each of us was lured into the chamber of fate. One by one, we were each faced with our ULTIMATE DOOM. After their meeting with the Devil, each victim reappeared with an expressionless face, like as if their very souls had been sucked out of them. "She's going to steal our souls..."

Luckily, this was not the case. She ended up being really quite lovely and we only met for an amazing forty seconds. This brief moment was filled with laughter and good times. The reason for my being there ended up being a system error. 
Of course, I could have left the room relieved and joyous to alleviate some stress from my frightened fellows, but why? Instead I opted for the same dumb-struck look of horror that I had seen on every other clown. Because I'm a nice person. 

In the beginning:

There was a blank space that needed to be filled with awe and wonder. The Messiah came along and noticed this void and promptly placed her dibs upon it. This is how this web log came into being.
At first the Messiah knew not what to put inside her blog, it seemed so vast and full of possibility. She, coming from an artistic background, hated the thought of a blank canvas and so decided to spew random, meaningless thoughts onto her blog.
And so the tale went on...